My Spiritual path to awakening began over 20 years ago, and there is nothing more gratifying than living a soul-conscious life. At one time I was not aware this Spiritual Essence was waiting to emerge and bloom into its grace for each and every one of us. My desire is for all of YOU to feel the oneness with Divine Energy and transform into the highest expression of yourself. You will feel pure unconditional self-love, self-acceptance, and gain complete confidence to realize you are meant to succeed in all areas of your life. It is never too late to reclaim your true identity!

Your Soul/Higher Self is the YOU that is limitless and infinite. It’s the part of you that excites you with passion and inspiration, guides you with intuition, and teaches you through insight. It is the part of you that feels the connection and oneness with Spirit and to all of life. Your Soul loves and forgives unconditionally. Your true self is spiritual in nature; in order to thrive, you must have a spiritual connection as that is what sustains you.

You are the Master of your life; there is nothing that you cannot heal, transform,  or create for yourself when you are aligned and centered with your genuine, passionate, loving Soul. Understanding the workings of our universe allows you to live without fear or worry; you feel loved, guided, and supported by Spirit through all of life’s twists and turns. Every situation in your life has meaning and purpose; you evolve spiritually with each experience you face during your lifetime. When you allow your Soul to lead the way, you will always prevail!

I cannot adequately explain the impact Karen has made on my life. Her profound insight has provided me with the understanding to get through immensely challenging times. In the same year that I lost my sister and my son’s father, Karen worked with me to help me understand and take comfort in what happens to the soul after death. I have learned that we are all part of a much larger picture, and we are all connected beyond just our physical states on Earth. I now see challenges and trying times as opportunities for my soul to learn and grow. Such occasions serve as an important purpose and do not need to be feared or avoided. I am so grateful to have such an amazing, genuinely compassionate, caring, and wise Healer on my side”. Gina, Seattle, WA 

I have attained my Master’s Degree in Metaphysical Sciences, and I have taught countless people how to work with energy to create their desired life. I am an Intuitive Master Energy Healer, Shaman, Reiki Master/Teacher, and Certified Spiritual Wellness Practioner. A Healer for your soul. 

When I began my training in different healing modalities, it came very natural to me. I started to receive insight, messages, and guidance from Spirit that would allow me to help individuals heal. I developed an intimate one-on-one connection with God Source and the Divine Beings of Light: Arch Angels, Ascended Masters, Angels, Saints, Masters, and Teachers. 

During a healing session, I intuitively connect soul-to-soul, love-to-love with each client. I call upon the oneness with the Energy of Divine Love and allow it to flow through me. I serve as a vessel to transfer this energy and light into the client’s physical body. As I tune-in to the Soul, it lovingly reveals issues of past trauma or present-day worries  and concerns the client is experiencing.

I clairvoyantly see what is causing emotional, mental, or physical discomfort, as well as heartache or pain. When you begin to understand the reason why you are experiencing a difficult challenge or illness, the healing begins. I will release deep-rooted, stagnant energy that blocks the life force from flowing freely through you to bring you back into a state of harmony.

Working with me will give you the opportunity to release the blockages that hold you back and weigh you down. It is time for you to unleash your fears, limiting beliefs, and habits or patterns that disconnect you from your Spirit. We were designed and created to be happy; but somewhere along the way, we moved further away from our souls and allowed our egos to take over!

It is time to launch your inward journey to an enlightened heart and mind. Don’t sit back and let life go by without pursuing the most rewarding gift you can give yourself. Through self-discovery, I know first-hand how to ignite the light within. A soul-conscious life is the key to living with self-love, harmony, and connection with everyone in existence. My desire is for YOU to awaken each day with a newfound attitude for the wonders of life, and to live with love, joy, and passion simply by being who you are!

 “Our whole spiritual transformation brings us to the point where we realize that in our own being, we are enough”. Ram Dass