Services: Inner peace creates Outer peace.

  • Soul Readings: I connect with pure Divine Love: God Source, Ascended Masters, Arch Angels, Spirit Guides, and your Higher Self to receive messages, guidance, and insight for your highest good. $65.00
  • Soul Coaching: Designed for private training sessions suited to your specific needs on any topic of spirituality/metaphysics that you would like to expand upon. Also, if there is an issue that pops up in your life that makes you feel out of sorts, worried, fearful, or anxious, I will teach you how to remain calm and centered as you work through your situation. There is always a reason as to why something will show up in your path. What is it that you need to learn from the experience? It is how you handle your challenges that matters most. When you handle it with love, everyone benefits! $50.00 per hour.
  • Chakra Balancing and Reading: When you have unresolved issues that you harbor deep within, your chakras/energy centers become blocked. During this session, I intuitively find out what chakras are clogged and gain insight as to why. I will energetically clear out all stagnant energy and fill each chakra with Divine Light bringing them back into balance and alignment. I will work with you to help resolve what is blocking you from feeling your best. $ 75.00
  • Grief Healing: Losing a loved one is the most difficult challenge we face in our human condition. When you realize the truth that your loved one has just transitioned back to his/her natural state of being, it helps you feel peace. Your loved one is just a heart’s call away and will send you signs of love to let you know they are always watching over you! I will bring awareness to you about the infinite existence of our vibrant souls, teach you how to receive your signs, and I will connect to your loved ones for you. My greatest joy is to see my clients transition from utter despair to peace when they begin to  receive their own signs of love! $65.00
  • Intuitive Energy Soul Healing: I intuitively connect soul-to-soul, love -to-love with each client. As I tune into the soul, it lovingly reveals issues of past trauma or present day worries or concerns the client is experiencing. I clairvoyantly see what is causing emotional, mental, or physical discomfort, as well as, heartache or pain. When you begin to understand the reason as to why you are experiencing a difficult challenge, the healing begins. I clear out deep rooted, heavy stagnant energy that blocks the life force from flowing freely through you to bring you back to a state of harmony. $100.00 initial session, 2 follow ups for $75.00 each session, if you would like a tune-up!

What to expect during a healing session: When you arrive at my Soul Studio, we will take some time to sit and talk; I will answer any questions you may have. After our discussion, you will go into the healing room where you lie down on my treatment table fully clothed; please wear something comfortable. The healing takes place in a calming, peaceful atmosphere while soft ambient music plays to aid in your relaxation.

After the healing, we will sit and talk again. I will explain what transpired during your session and answer any questions you may have. The sessions are a minimum of 1.5 hrs.

Group Classes or Workshops:The only pre-requisite is to have an open mind and an open heart.

When you book a group class or workshop, I travel to your destination – usually a home, yoga or art studio, or community center. There are various topics that can be taught about spirituality and metaphysics; each gathering will be based upon your preferred topic of interest. 

We are all at different levels of awareness with our spiritual awakening. Classes are designed for each individual to personally expand their connection and knowingness to their Higher Self. Whether you are just beginning your spiritual quest or are more advanced, classes can be customized to your group’s personal level of development. $40/per person with a minimum of 10 people.

Metaphysics: Learn how to work with your natural state of being – energy and light – to manifest and create all that you want to attract in your life.

Any or all of the following could be included in your group class or workshop:

  • Understand the true meaning and purpose of life.
  • Learn the Spiritual Laws of the Universe and discover how to MASTER your life.
  • Develop a solid basis to heighten a genuine spiritual practice daily.
  • How to connect with Spirit and receive answers to your questions. Learn to live in the moment. Recognize the signs and messages the universe is sending you to show support in all areas of your life.
  • Meditation: Practice techniques to calm your mind; bring peace to your vibration.
  • Learn ways to eliminate all obstacles that impede you from living your life to the fullest.
  • Self awareness:  Your thoughts, feelings, words, and actions are a form of energy. What kind of energy are you projecting out into the universe? What you put out is what you will draw back to you; it is a Universal Law called the Law of Attraction.
  • Energy: The anatomy of your Soul is made of energy and light. My specialty is ENERGY! Let me show you how to really activate your energy and open up to feel the oneness with Divine Love! It is life changing. You will be absolutely amazed at what starts to transpire in your life!

Master Thy SelfBE the positive energy!

Mind: Learn ways to stop unwanted thoughts that keep you stuck, fearful, and worried when difficult situations are presented in your path. Discover ways you can literally shift and transform your emotions from anxious, worry, and fear, into hope, contentment, and happiness. It all begins with choosing thoughts that encourage, empower, and inspire you.

Body: Work on self-love and self-acceptance. Our bodies are the temples of our souls. Let us show gratitude to this vehicle of love that allows us to express ourselves as we learn, grow, and gain the wisdom to realize our true inner beauty is what matters most. Our bodies are strong, resilient, and powerful. Let’t give appreciation and love to our bodies with heartfelt intentions to help in any healing process.

Soul: Being fluently connected with your Higher Self enhances and enriches life on every level; this connection brings you clarity, direction, and purpose. It allows you to love and forgive yourself, heal old emotional wounds and reclaim your personal power to literally create your best life!

 You are the artist of your life. Your self-portrait is waiting to be revealed into your original Masterpiece, your Higher Self. You have the ability to live in full color with passion, purpose, joy, and love by sculpting away that which no longer serves you and all others. You cannot change others’ thoughts, feelings, words, or actions; however, you can certainly work on your own to be a Source of Love in your day-to-day existence.When you practice this, your heart expands and leads you to your Soul!