Energize Your Spirit ~ Harmonize Your Soul

I am excited to offer my “Soul Fitness” classes so you can begin or expand the process of transforming into the highest expression of your self. Reclaim your true identity! This is a committed 6-week series to jump-start your spiritual awakening! Take an inward journey to feel self-love, harmony, and connection in your mind, body, and soul.

You are the Master of your Life

  • There is nothing you cannot heal, transform, or create for yourself when you are aligned and centered with your Soul.
  • With the right mind-set, you can shed pounds of negativity! Your health improves, your mind becomes a positive influence, and your Soul thrives!
  • Learn how to work with your personal energy to manifest and create your dreams and desires into reality! Let’s ignite your Light and activate your Soul Energy!

Being fluently connected with your Higher Self enhances and enriches life on every level; this connection brings you clarity, direction, and purpose. It allows you to feel the oneness with Divine Energy to feel loved, guided, and supported in all areas of your life.

Scheduled dates: May 9,16, 23, 30, June 6,13, 2018 on Wednesday evenings 7:00 to 8:15 at ShipShape Fitness in South Attleboro, MA. Price is $15.00 per class if you pay at the door. If you pay upfront in full, you will receive a discounted price of $78.00 for the 6 classes. Space is limited. Email me at  Karen@kksoul.com or Maura at maura@shipshapefitness.net. 

  I look forward to making a connection with you!

 Karen Kinch 

Soul Revelations

2200 Diamond Hill Road, Cumberland, RI